I mentioned in a training last week that a good way to learn about Cascading Style Sheets is simply to type a property and "CSS" into a search engine (e.g. "font size CSS") and follow one of the million returns you get to a tutorial. You learn how to manipulate attributes as you need them.
For more in-depth tutorials, I'm going to recommend four sites.
Listorial (http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listutorial/) is a great resource for learning how to "tame" your lists and get them to do what you want. Lots of step-by-step tutorials on lots of different kinds of lists. I really like this site.
They also have am associated site called Floatorial (http://css.maxdesign.com.au/floatutorial/) that offers a similarly formatted set of tutorials on floating images, columns and text.
The World Wide Web Consortium, or W3C (http://www.w3.org/) can be thought of as the "gatekeepers" of web standards for HTML and CSS. They have tutorials for both HTML and CSS (http://www.w3.org/2002/03/tutorials). This is probably the best resource for learning about specific properties and their attributes in CSS.
A List Apart (http://www.alistapart.com/) offers more advanced articles on web design in general, but if you use their search feature, you'll find many useful resources concerning CSS.
Finally, we have a "Writing HTML and CSS from the Ground Up" course available on-line (http://www.coopext.colostate.edu/comptrain/cohtm.shtml) which consists of five one hour Connect sessions on HTML and CSS basics.
Time to mulch warm season veggies
Tomatoes newly mulched
with grass clippings With the arrival of summer this week but more
importantly now thoroughly warm soils, mulching of warm season v...
7 years ago
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