Dreamweaver makes quick work of embedding Flash videos and animation into a webpage. Because Adobe owns Flash, it has a vested interest in getting you to use it.
Go to the Media icon in the insert panel (circled in red on the illustration below), browse to the file, and that's it! You can adjust the size using either the Property Inspector height and width boxes, or by holding down shift and dragging a corner of the video, but sizing the video is best done when you first render it, and not after the fact in Dreamweaver.
Embedding Quicktime video involves a little more work, but not much. Go to the video icon (shown above, circled in red) and choose ActiveX. You'll get an ActiveX icon on the document panel. Go to the Property Inspector below the document panel. Click the "Embed" checkbox (circled in blue below). Browse to the Quicktime video using the file icon to the right of the "Source" box (circled in yellow below). You may need to change the "files of type" box to "all files" in order to see the file. Finally, give Dreamweaver the width and height of the video (circled in black below).
For demonstrations of embedding Quicktime and Flash, as well as demonstrations for embedding slideshows, cellphone videos, and Youtube videos, please come to the Connect session tomorrow, May 20th at 9 a.m. Instructions for attending should be in Monday's email (subject line - Connect session: On-line Video and Presentation Options). Or contact me for more details: jeffrey.wood@colostate.edu.
Time to mulch warm season veggies
Tomatoes newly mulched
with grass clippings With the arrival of summer this week but more
importantly now thoroughly warm soils, mulching of warm season v...
7 years ago
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