
on Thursday, March 17, 2011

With the demise of Drop.io, many of us are looking around for a free file transfer service. WeTransfer, at https://www.wetransfer.com/, offers a free service where you can send up to 20 people a selection of files up to a maximum of 2 GB in size. They’ll host the files for up to two weeks. The 2 GB file size limit is per transfer, so after sending the first 2 GB, you could start over and send another 2 GB of files out.

To use it, you don't even need to register. Just upload the files, input the email address the files are going to, followed by your own email address. You also hav the option to add a personal message to the email.


on Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I do not have a fax machine. To sign documents, I've always needed to print them out, sign them, and mail them via snail mail.

No longer.

A great, free way to digitally add your signature to documents, and then fax or email them, is available at HelloFax (http://www.hellofax.com/). You input the email or fax number you want to send to, upload the document, and add a signature by drawing one with your mouse, or uploading a .jpg of your signature (I actually drew it in Photoshop with my mouse, thn saved it as a .jpg). After you add the signature, you drag it to where it's supposed to go, and resize, if necessary.

If you register with the site, you can save your signature file there, and easily add it to any document you upload.

Only the first 20 faxes are free. However, if you are sending the document to an email address, which I generally do, you can use the srvice an unlimited number of times. For free!

Thanks to Slate's article Kill Your Fax Machine for the tip.


on Friday, March 4, 2011

The PrintFriendly website (http://printfriendly.com/) creates a print-friendly, text-only version of any web page URL you input into it, which can then be printed, emailed or turned into a PDF by the site. It does so by stripping out images, formatting, navigation and CSS styling, leaving only text and links.

My own computer applications page looks initially like this:

After entering my URL into the PrintFriendly site, it returned this page preview, which can then be printed, turned into a PDF by PrintFriendly, or emailed:

It also allows you to quickly delete large chunks of text by showing you a "click to Delete" link whenever you roll over a paragraph, allowing you to quickly edit the text from the web page and keep only what needs to be printed.

Save paper. Give PrintFriendly a try.

Thanks yet again to Loretta Lohman for the tip.