The Connect recordings for the entire 10 session class on working with the CSU Extension Webpage Template are now archived and available at Each session is about an hour long, and the sessions lead you through the entire process of building and publishing a website using the template. If you don't have 10 hours to spare, note that Session 8 is a "Putting It All Together" session where you are led through the entire process in about an hour and a half. Included in each session is a link to a .pdf that documents the session.
Here are the topics:
Session 1: Basic concepts, downloading the files, tour of template components, tour of Dreamweaver CS4 workspace.
Session 2: Defining the Site, Directory Structure, Metatags.
Session 3: Content. Adding text, headers and images; creating webpage, document and email links; working with lists and bullet points; working with tables.
Session 4: SSIs. Working with the Server Side Includes (SSIs) for the top navigation bar, left navigaton bar, and footer.
Session 5: Creating an Engaging home page. Working with tables and linked lists, embedding slideshows, YouTube, Flash and Quicktime videos, and audio podcasts.
Session 6: Second level pages. Differences between a first level and a second level page; creating new second level pages; posting content from PDF documents, Word documents, Excel documents, PowerPoint presentations.
Session 7: Named Anchors. Used to create links to different parts of the same page. Thus you can allow end-users to easily navigate a long webpage of content.
Session 8: Putting it all together. Setting up a website, start to finish.
Session 9: Writing your own CSS. How to add your own CSS sheet to the existing CSS, how to build your own header style, paragraph style, a box to add visual emphasis, and a photo with a caption underneath.
Session 10: Google Analytics. How to register for the code, how to add the code to your website, and how to use Find and Replace to add it to every page on your site.
Time to mulch warm season veggies
Tomatoes newly mulched
with grass clippings With the arrival of summer this week but more
importantly now thoroughly warm soils, mulching of warm season v...
7 years ago
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